What is

“the 95”

When you are chasing a dream or a goal in the beginning there will always be three groups of people in my opinion. On one end, if you’re blessed it’s a community, if you’re lucky it’s a group, and if you’re on your way it’s a person.

These people make up 95% of the people in the three groups. Hence the name “The 95”. They are your support group, the people who support you on your journey, believe in your dream / goal, and genuinely want to see you succeed. It could be a family member, a friend, a significant other, a mentor, an advisor, a co-worker, a boss, acquaintance, or even a stranger sometimes.

On the other end are the naysayers, the haters, the people who think that dream or goal is not realistic enough, impossible, too hard, too ambitious, not achievable, stupid, etcetera, etcetera. These people make up another 2.5% of the total people in the three groups. Although, sometimes it can feel like this group is a lot larger or louder than 2.5%.

Finally in the middle is the last 2.5%, the people who are indifferent, they’re neutral, they don’t really have an opinion about you or what you’re doing and can be swayed to the end.

Noun: The community, group, or person who believes in you, supports you, and wants to see you succeed.

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